Honorary Life Members Honorary life membership is bestowed on prominent ISST members in recognition of their contributions to the development and dissemination of schema therapy and of their direct service to the ISST by serving on its committees and helping to develop, maintain and update its organizational infrastructure and resources. At the founding of the Society in 2008, the title of Honorary President was conferred on Jeffrey Young, the originator of schema therapy, and the title of Honorary Scientific Advisor was conferred on Arnoud Arntz in recognition of his role in contributing to the establishing of schema therapy as a scientifically validated psychological treatment. Other Honorary Life members were nominated by Executive Committees and these appointments were voted on and confirmed at General Membership Assemblies. They are shown below in alphabetical order. Click here to see the regulations and procedures governing the appointment of Honorary Life Members. A summary of the contribution of each of these can be read by clicking on the links below the photographs below. |
Jeffrey Young Honorary President | Arnoud Arntz Honorary Scientific Advisor |